
Norfolk Newspapers -


Norfolk Chronicle

Extracts from March 30th 1782

These are the main topics. Please scroll down the page to see all the extracts.

  • Page 2, column 4
    Thefts from Mr Tompson, and James Culling; Marriage; Deaths.
  • Page 3, column 1
    Advert by S. Bradford; Timber washed on shore at Yarmouth; Bakery and house to let at Aylsham; Turnips wanted by Mr Peterson.
  • Page 3, column 3
    Apprenticeship for a parish boy; Marshes to let at Halvergate; Estate for sale at Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalen.
See also Other Extracts from Norfolk Newspapers.

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Copyright © Pat Newby
May 2005

Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from March 30th 1782

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.

Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.

Page 2, column 4

Wednesday night two fellows, old offenders, were detected robbing the coal binn [sic] of Mr TOMPSON, brewer, in St Martin's at Oak. They had filled two sacks, and a large basket. One was secured and committed to Bridewell by the name of Chand FLOWER [sic - I suspect that this may be the family name CHANDFLOWER]; the other made his escape, leaving his wig and hat behind.

Thursday was committed to the Castle, by R. KERRISON, Esq., Robert SANDALL, of Bramerton, charged with stealing plough irons, the property of Mr James CULLING, farmer.

Sunday last was married at St Mary's, Mr James BASEY, bricklayer, of this city, to Miss MUNSEY; a young lady possessed of every accomplishment to render the connubial state truly happy.

On Wednesday last died in this city, in the 82d year of her age, Mrs LOVE, relict of the late Barry LOVE, Esq., of Yarmouth.

On Monday last died, in the 88th year of his age, Mr Walter CARVER, father of Mr Philip CARVER, in St Andrew's.

On Wednesday last died, Mrs Ann PRATT, aged 79, widow of the late Mr Richard PRATT, formerly a considerable shopkeeper, in this city.

Page 3, column 1


S. BRADFORD, from KLUHT's Warehouse, London, having taken Apartments at Mr MURPHY's Lace Warehouse, St Peter's Mancroft, Norwich, solicits the Favours of her Friends and the Public; makes Sacks, Gowns, and Polineses, which she executes in the newest and most genteel Taste, and on reasonable Terms.
Note. An Apprentice wanted immediately.

Yarmouth, March 28, 1782.

Whereas in the Course of the last Week a considerable Quantity of Norway Deals, and Battens, have been taken up form the Beach to the North and South of Yarmouth, and more daily driven on Shore along the Coast of Norfolk and Suffolk, and having Reason to apprehend it may be part of the Cargo of the Emmanuel, Captain Gulick PEDERSON, bound from Fredericksmald to the Consignment of Mr William MANNING, at Yarmouth, it is earnestly requested of all Persons in Possession of such Deals, Battens, Half Deals, or Paling, or who hereafter may obtain Possession, to give an Account thereof to the said William MANNING, who will be accountable for the full Salvage; and any Person knowing, or who may hereafter know, where such Deals, etc are deposited or concealed, and will give Information, so as the same may be recovered for the Proprietor, shall receive ample Reward by applying to the said William MANNING.

To be Lett [sic], or Sold, in Aylsham, between this Time and Michaelmas next, 1782, inquire of Mr John PETERSON, in Aylsham, an old established Baking Office, of an hundred years standing, with all Conveniences, a large Oven, Back-house, Bread-house, and Granary over it, where may lay seven or eight Lasts of Wheat, with a Number of other Rooms. There is Plenty of Flour Mills, one large one in Town, and two more within a Mile of the Town, very large ones; also a very good Brewhouse and a large Cellar, arched over, a large Barn which will hold fifty or sixty Load of Wood, and a large yard, where may be stacked two or three hundred Load of Wood upon Occasion, and in a good Country for Wood. The Landlord will take Care to lay in Plenty of Wood for the coming-in Tenant. -- Aylsham is a good and plentiful Country for Wood and Wheat, and everything else. There is a very good Stable which will hold three Horses, and a Hay-house adjoining to the Stable. The Tenant may have two, four, or six Acres of Land, if he should like to keep a cow. There have been but three Tenants for an hundred Years past, and two of them died out there. Inquire as above.

At the same Place is to be Lett [sic], or Sold, at any Time, a capital House, almost new built, fit for a Gentleman. -- Inquire as above.

Note. If any Farmer has got any Turnips to sell, let Mr PETERSON know. -- All letters post paid will be answered.

Page 3, column 3

To be put out Apprentice for seven Years, a Parish Boy, near eleven Years of Age, always very healthy, bony, and large of his Age.

A Sum of Money will be given with him for his Master to find him during his Service with Cloaths [sic] and Necessities fitting for such an Apprentice. Whoever is inclined to take the said Lad, are desired to apply at the next House to Mr Abraham BUNKELL's Mill, at Shipdham, in the County of Norfolk.

Marshes to Lett [sic].

Several very good Marshes lying in Halvergate, to be Lett [sic], together or separately. Enquire of Mr Henry RAVEN, of Bramerton, or of Messrs FOSTER and COOPER, Attornies [sic], in Norwich.

To be peremptorily Sold by Auction, by Bartholomew RAMSEY, of Stow-Hall, On Wednesday the 17th of April, 1782, at the White Lion in Lynn, at twelve o'Clock, (or in the mean Time by private Contract) and entered upon immediately.

A Freehold Estate in Wiggenhall Saint Mary Magdalen, in the County of Norfolk, nine Miles from Lynn, four Miles from Downham, and ten from Wisbeach; consisting of the Manor of Crabb's Abbey, a good Farm house, Brick and Tile, Stables for eighteen Horses, Barn, Granary, and other suitable attached and detached Offices, all lately rebuilt, with six hundred and eighteen Acres of Land, Meadow and Fen Ground, in a Ring Fence.

This Farm was held on Lease about five Years since at 309 pounds per Annum, but from the low Price of Farming Commodities was reduced to 260 pounds per Ann. to Lady [day], 1781; from which Time it has been in the Hands of the Owner, whose insolvent Situation obliges him to sell this Estate to the Best Bidder.

Note. The Estate is capable of great Improvements, and worth the Notice of any monied [sic] Man, and will, after deducting every Outgoing, produce a net Penny Rent of 156 pounds per Annum.

For Particulars enquire of William CREASY, Attorney, Downham, Norfolk, or of the said Bartholomew RAMSEY, who will shew [sic] the Premisses [sic].

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.