
Newspaper extracts for Newcastle parish


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

Searches made on the following places in this order; Newcastle Higher, Aberkenfig, Tondu

  • From The Glamorgan Gazette1st October 1915


Sir,—Certain statements have been made in regard to the local Reception Committee of Newcastle Higher, Ynisawdre, and Llangynwyd Lower, It being stated that there is some misapprehension prevailing as to its purpose. There seems to be a feeling that we should present every man returning from the trenches, wounded, with a small memento.    .....(part extract)......

  • From The Glamorgan Gazette 4th February 1916

NEWCASTLE HIGHER PARISH COUNCIL. JOINT FIRE STATION. At a special meeting of the Newcastle Higher Parish Council, a letter was read from Mr. T. Mansel Franklen, clerk to the County Council, stating that the Ynisawdre Parish Council had applied for the decision of the County, Council as to the shares on which the expenses of the joint Fire Station should be borne between the parishes. That Parish Council considered that they should be borne in proportion to rateable value. Before deciding the question the County Council desired to have the observations of Newcastle Higher Parish Council on the point at issue. It was resolved to comply with the request, and send a letter of explanation, fully stating the case.

  •  From the Weekly Mail 23rd December 1882

PROPOSED LOCAL BOARD FOR NEWCASTLE HIGHER AND YNISAWDRE. GOVERNMENT INQUIRY AT TONDU. A petition having been presented to the Local Government Board by a number of ratepayers resident in the hamlets of Newcastle Higher and Ynisawdre, praying for the settlement of the boundaries for the purposes of the Public Health Act, 1875, with a view to the two hamlets being constituted a local government district, the Local Government Board directed an inquiry into the subject matter of the petition. The inquiry was held at the School-room, Tondu, on Thursday, before Mr. Thomas Codrington, M.I.C.E., one of the inspectors of the Local Government Board.    .....(part extract)......

  • From the Weekly Mail 23rd August 1884

ABERKENFIG. FLOWER SHOW.—This show, which was held on Wednesday, was well attended, and the exhibits, considering that they were confined principally to cottagers, were exceedingly good. The judge of vegetables and flowers (Mr. G. Hawkins, gardener to Colonel Turbervill) very highly complimented some of the exhibitors for the high quality of the vegetables shown. The Tondu Brass Band played a very good selection of dance and other music during the afternoon. The secretaries. Mr. W. H. Hitchings and Mr. J. H. Bond, were energetic in the performance of their duties, and the inhabitants of the village signalised their support of the show by a liberal display of bunting.

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 15th December 1899

ABERKENFIG. A Patent.—Mr Percy J. Thomas, of the Lion Hotel, has been granted "acceptance of provisional specification of a patent for improvement in or relating to carriage lamps." The patent allows a person to be aware of the exact quantity of candle contained, also an adjustment whereby lamps of any size are held rigid.

  •  From The South Wales Star 8th May 1891

ABERKENFIG. RECHABITES' DEMONSTRATION. — On Monday last, a grand demonstration took place in connection with the Crystal Spring Tent of Rechabites. At 2.30 the Rev. W. W. Richards delivered a pithy and stirring sermon on temperance in the Ebenezer Independent Chapel to a large audience. At 3.30 a procession was formed headed by the celebrated Tondu Brass Band, and the following ministers of the Gospel: —Rev. E. Davies (Congregational), Rev. R. John (Welsh Baptist), Rev. W. W. Richards (English Baptist), and Rev. W. Christopher, curate. Next came the juveniles followed by the adults, who numbered nearly 100. The procession being duly marshalled by Messrs. Paget and Bennett paraded the principal streets of Tondu and Aberkenfig, returning about five o'clock to the Ebenezer Vestry where a capital tea was provided to which ample justice was done.    ...(part extract).....

  • From  The Cardiff Times 10th May 1879

ABERKENFIG. OPENING OF NEW CATHOLIC SCHOOLS.—The new Roman Catholic schools built here were opened on Tuesday evening. Dr Hedley opened the meeting with a lecture on "Religion for children," and, without desiring to enter into controversy, he said that it was essential that religion should be a part of the educational programme. At the conclusion of his remarks, Canon Wilson (Swansea) moved a vote of thanks to his lordship. A concert was afterwards held, when several distinguished amateurs from Bridgend and Swansea gave their services. The schools have been erected bv Mr Edward Preece, Bridgend, following the designs of Mr Lambert, architect, Bridgend.

  • From  The Glamorgan Gazette 8th March 1895

ABERKENFIG. YOUNG PEOPLE'S CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY.—The above society held their district meeting at Carey Baptist Chapel, Tondu, on Monday. Tea was provided, of which upwards of 70 members of the society partook. An after service, which was public, was largely attended, and seemed to be much appreciated by the visitors, representing all denominations but the Church. There were three excellent papers read at this meeting by the following :—Mr Griffiths, Maesteg Miss Cole, Bridgend and Mr Hancock, Tondu.

  • From the  South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 3rd December 1896

TONDU. RAILWAYMEN'S MEETING.—A meeting of Great Western Railway goods guards, brakesmen, and shunters was held at Tondu on Sunday, to consider the circular that has been issued by the company to the above grades, and, after being warmly discussed, the following resolution was carried:—"That this meeting of goods guards, brakesmen, and shunters protest against the action of the officers of the company in arranging the deputation to represent the men, as those who were ordered to London did not represent the men at all, and we press those delegates who were elected by the men to meet the directors and pledge ourselves to carry on the agitation till we have obtained the 10 hours day, and call on our delegates to press for the right of laying the case before the board."

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 27th November 1895

TONDU. PUBLIC MEETING.—A public meeting, under the auspices of the Liberal Association, was held on Monday evening in Ebenezer Chapel. Mr W. S. Williams, president, presided over a capital attendance. The ReV. W. W. Richards proposed and the Rev. R. John seconded a resolution in favour of the Disestablishment and Disendowment ot the Established Church, and that the tithes, which are national property, should be devoted to truly national purposes. The Rev. J. Mathews, Swansea, supported the resolution. which was carried without a single dissentient,

  • From the Weekly Mail 18th March 1882

TONDU. A NARROW ESCAPE.—On Monday afternoon as John Edmonds, overman at Evanstown Brickyard, near Tondu, was endeavouring to adjust a band to the machinery, some portion of his clothing was caught in the fly-wheel, and he was carried around several times before it was stopped. It was then found necessary to cut away his clothes before he could be extricated. Dr. Jones was shortly in attendance, and pronounced him to be very badly bruised, but no bones were broken.

  •  From the Weekly Mail 22nd November 1879

TONDU. FOOTBALL CLUB.—A football club has been formed in this place. Mr. Charles Davis, late of the Brecon County Club, has been chosen captain. Practice commenced on Saturday.

  • From the Weekly Mail 15th July 1882

TONDU. LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH.—On Tuesday evening a meeting of the ratepayers of Newcastle-Higher and Ynisawdre was held in the Tondu School- room, Mr. W. Blakemore in the chair, for the purpose of discussing the desirability of forming a local board of health. After a considerable discussion, it was unanimously resolved to form a board for the above district.

  • From the Weekly Mail 8th May 1886

TONDU. BAPTISM BY IMMERSION.—Considerable interest was manifested here on Sunday afternoon in the baptism of a member of St. John's Church Choir in the River Ogmore according to the office for adult baptism of the Church of England, the candidate having requested immersion. The spot selected was near the village of Aberkenfig. where the river skirts the Pen-y-fai Common.   .....(part extract)......