GENUKI Gazetteer

The GENUKI Gazetteer covers the whole of England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Man. We have good coverage of place names in England, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man. Information for Ireland though is not as complete as we would like to provide. Unfortunately we have not been able to locate information for the Channel Islands. You can use the gazetteer to find the location of places, view online maps, and discover which Genuki pages may contain information about that place and the genealogial resources which are available for it.

Search the GENUKI Gazetteer

Enter the name of the place you wish to find in the Place name box, then click the Search button. The results can be displayed in a choice of formats and if too many matches are found you can refine your selection.

Place nameCountySearch typeShow results as

Show results as

  1. Plot places on a map - A Google map is displayed with all the places matching your search criteria marked upon it. A list of the matches, ordered by county, appears on the right. You can click these to get to the Genuki page covering that area.
  2. Tabular list ordered by county - The tabular list provides links to:
    • The appropriate Genuki county page.
    • A page of information generated dynamically from gazetteer based information, showing its physical location on a map with links to various other online maps etc.
    • The Genuki page containing information we have about that place and useful genealogical resources for it.
  3. List of nearby places - If more than one match is made, you are presented with list of places ordered by distance from London, England. Or if you are restricting searches to an individual county from the county town. If there is only one match, or once you have selected from the list a page is displayed showing where your place is, and also a list of all the nearby places in the gazetteer.

Refine your selection


By default a search is made throught the UK and Ireland. Select an entry from the county list to restrict your search to places within that county.

Search type

By default matches are made between the place name you entered and distinct words in the gazetteer entries. So if you enter Harwood it would match Little Harwood and Great Harwood as well as just Harwood. You can select different search types against the place name field to be more or less selective in trying to find the place you are searching for.

Links to online maps

Links are provided into online maps from the gazetteer results pages. This is done by clicking on grid references or following links to Gazetteer page. On gazetteer screens showing Google maps, if you click the icons on the screen, they will display a bubble conatining a link to the Gazetteer page for that place.

Gazetteer development

The gazetteer is managed by individual county page maintainers and there is a more detailed description of how it is maintained which is really only relevant to them. There are also statistics including the number of places recorded for each county.